What is RVD?
When is the event?
This year the event is tentative due to COVID-19. Fontana Village will be home base for this event. It’s a wonderful spot right in the middle of all the fun! Fontana Village offers many amenities. They have cabins to rent in many sizes. They have the lodge you can stay in also (like a regular hotel room). They also have a General Store and many other amenities. Go to their website to find out everything you need to know. Fontanavillage.com
What is The Tail of The Dragon?
What’s the Cost to attend RVD?
Lodging for RVD?
Will there be a safety briefing?
Will there be awards and Contests?
Yes, if you want your car judged (we don’t have categories picked out just yet) you will pay a small registration fee and you will be given a number to keep on your dash so everyone will know. We will also be having raffles again. Everyone will get 1 ticket at the safety briefing and you will also be able to buy as many more as you want for $5 apiece. Awards and raffles will be at dinner at Dragon City’s Pit Stop.
What is the speed limit on The Dragon?
What is the worst thing I can do while on The Dragon?
Are there gas stations on The Dragon?
Are there Gift shops?
Is there cell phone service?
Patchy service at best… we encourage everyone to bring walkie-talkies.
Retevis H777 is recommended.